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RFID & TrackCore – Join the Future of Innovation

On August 10, 2010, LPIT Solutions closed the TUG10 TrackCore User Group Conference by introducing the latest evolution of its market leading Implant and Tissue Tracking Software. TrackCore RFID and Mobile was introduced as a means that will further simplify and streamline the implant tracking process.

TrackCore has partnered with hardware vendor Informs, Inc ( ) and is piloting the new platform at the Cleveland Clinic’s ( ) main campus. The application introduces Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) read/write capabilities, 1D/2D barcoding, touch screens and mobile device capabilities to reduce the keystrokes required to meet Joint Commission implant tracking documentation requirements and to simplify the overall process.

A new desktop based user interface utilizes the best features of kiosk style applications and applies it to the regulatory compliance and supply chain in healthcare environments. The TrackCore add-on works with customers’ existing web application data, enabling users to access TrackCore from either the software as a service (SaaS) web-based interface or from the RFID and Mobile interfaces. Those that had the opportunity to preview the application, at TUG10, found the user interface very user-friendly and viewed it as another significant step in streamlining the implant and tissue tracking process.

LPIT Solutions is currently in the pilot phase with The Cleveland Clinic, and will be looking for additional beta / pilot sites interested in implementing this solution in the very near future. Any existing or future customers interested in investigating this solution should contact LPIT Solutions at join the future of innovation.

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